
Secret Tips for Hot Deals

Finding hot deals online can feel like unlocking hidden treasures. With so many stores, sales events, and ever-changing discounts, it can be challenging to keep up. However, with a few insider tips and tricks, you can stay ahead of the game and score the best offers. In this article, we’ll dive into secret tips for…


How to Choose the Best Electric Truck?

Today, electric trucks are a promising means of freight transportation; thus, choosing the right vehicle can be a breakthrough in efficiency and environmental impact. Here is a helpful guide to help you decide which electric truck to buy. 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Electric Truck  Several factors should be considered before buying an…

Model t Tires

Model t Tires

30×3 and 30×3-1/2 The Ford Model T (also known as the Tin Lizzie, Tin Lizzy, T‑Model Ford, Model T, or T) is an automobile that was produced by Henry Ford’s Ford Motor Compnay from October 1, 1908, to May 26, 1927. It is generally regarded as the first affordable automobile, the car that opened travel…

Model t MPG

Model t MPG

•1986: The Chevrolet Sprint achieves hybridlike efficiency with its computer-controlled carburetor, three-cylinder engine, and compact design. With 44 m.p.g. in the city and 53 on the highway, the car wins America’s fuel-economy title three years in a row. •1990: California passes legislation requiring 2 percent of new vehicles sold in the state to have no…

Ford Model t Tourer 15

Ford Model t Tourer 15

Henry Ford (1863-1947) began the Ford Motor Co. in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., in 1903 when he began producing Ford Model A cars. Ford used the first 19 letters of the alphabet to designate his automobiles, some of which were experimental, but the most successful of the early production cars was the Model N. A number…

Year of the Model t

Year of the Model t

You’ve heard the phrase umpteen times: “You can have any color as long as it’s black.” It’s one of the most famous quotes attributed to Henry Ford – his retort to customers asking about color choices for the Model T. No one seems to know whether Ford actually spoke those words. But that quote is…

Pictures of the Model t

Pictures of the Model t

After successfully building and selling nearly 10, 000 Model T Fords during the first model years, Ford continued its success in 1910. The Model T’s for 1910 were largely similar to the 1909 models but had a number of mechanical improvements made to the rear axle. Ford built the Model T using components supplied by…

Model t Wheels

Model t Wheels

For drivers in 2008, most of whom were weaned on slick automatic transmissions, power steering and brakes, and effortless starting, however, getting behind the wheel of a T and easing it out into traffic might be a counterintuitive, daunting experience. (Driving any vehicle of the T’s era in modern traffic generally demands more attention to…

Ford Model t Radiator

Ford Model t Radiator

Object ID 57.77.1 Credit From the Collections of The Henry Ford. Material Metal Steel Leather Brass (Alloy) Rubber (Material) Wood (Plant material) Linoleum Straw (Plant material) Color Red Black (Color) Green Dimensions Height: 83 in Width: 68 in Length: 13.5 in Wheelbase: 100 in Inscriptions on plate, rear of car: FORD MOTOR CO. / DETROIT,…

Frame Kit

Model t Frame Kit

  Typical Application / Note Price         Note: Lg. = Length of rivet         Model T Kits       Model T Front Crossmember Kit: for Installing Front Cross member $8.00 Early Cars and Reinforcing Gussets   Consisting of: 18 1/4 D. X 7/8 Lg. Round Head Rivets  …

Model t Hemp

Model t Hemp

Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONSTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil, ‘ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941. Rudolf Diesel,…

Model t Plant Highland Park

Model t Plant Highland Park

Watch the Segment He needed a new approach to building automobiles. So he hired architect Albert Kahn to design a space more than three times as large as any auto plant of the day. Unlike the previous Model T plant, which relied on masonry construction, the Highland Park building used a system of reinforced concrete…

Model t Tudor

Model t Tudor

Welcome to Down On The Street, where we admire old vehicles found on the streets of the Island That Rust Forgot: Alameda, California. Today we’re going to look at the second-oldest car in this series. Check out the headroom in this thing! Four basketball players in top hats could carpool in this machine (five if…

Model t Center Door

Model t Center Door

It was the highest priced Model T of the year at $975 but it included, as standard, an electric starter and de-mountable rims. (Try mounting a wheel on the rim with the rim still attached to the car sometime, to appreciate this “luxury”.) Low-powered, with a 100 inch wheelbase, it was light enough to scamper…

1929 Model t Trucks

1929 Model t Trucks

1924 Ford Model T Truck This 1924 Ford Model TT is sponsored by This vehicle is the heavy duty truck version of the Model T called the Model TT. Introduced in 1917, the Model TT was the only major variant of the Model T. TT’s have a longer and stronger chassis and lower gear ratios…

Why was the Model t Invented

Why was the Model t Invented?

Editor’s Note: This article is part of a series that examines the lessons behind the most disruptive products in history through the lens of design. One of the first truly disruptive products to hit the U.S. market came in 1908 with Henry Ford’s Model T. Though it was not Ford’s first car-coming after Models A,…

Fact About the Ford Model t

Fact About the Ford Model t

Beginning in the 1770s, many people tried to make cars that would run on steam. Some early steam cars worked well, and some did not. Some were fire pumpers that moved by themselves, and others were small locomotives with road wheels. Beginning in the 1880s, inventors tried very hard to make cars that would run…

Model t Sheets Metal

Model t Sheets Metal

« Back to Blog home page Hello folks, my name is Patrick and I am one of the user experience designers on the Fusion 360 team. We’ve been busy designing and building the sheet metal tools for the upcoming sheet metal experience inside Fusion. This is a follow up on Bryce’s blog post to take…

Model t Project

Model t Project

Up until the early 20th century the world viewed the automobile as a luxury item built for the elite of society. Cars were complicated in their use and required a significant investment that the average person could not afford. Then in 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Model T Ford that did not only revolutionize the…