The 1926 line was billed, justifiably as “the Improved Ford” Perhaps the title was inspired by Chevrolet’s use of the term “Superior”. In any event, fatter tires were only the first of many changes in store for buyers of that year’s model T.
Bodies were attractively redesigned. Fenders were new; running boards were lower and deeper. Chassis height was reduced by 1.5 inches. Nickel plated radiator shells were standard on all closed body types, optional and modest extra cost on open cars. A hand-operated windshield wiper was standard equipment on all closed cars and a .50 cent option on open models. But a hand operated wiper in a nuisance, so for a mere $3.50, the 1926 Ford buyer could have his car equipped with a vacuum wiper on the drivers side only.
Seats in all model were lowered and more deeply cushioned seats were fitted. The fuel tank was moved from behind the driver seat to the cowl, greatly increasing effectiveness of the gravity feed and eliminating the need for the driver to disembark in order to have the gas tank filled.
Auto Spec Sheet
Year: 1926
Make: Ford
Model: Model T
Style: Roaster
Serial No: N/A
Odometer: N/A