As our name indicates, our club is located in the central Texas area, but we have members from all over Texas. If you have a passion for automotive history and in particular, a love for the Model T Ford, we invite you to join our club! Our annual membership dues are $15 for you and your family and should be paid by January 1 of each year. You do not need to own a Model T to become a member!
Please print the form below and mail it to the address listed, along with a check payable to the Cen-Tex Tin Lizzies.
Cen-Tex Tin Lizzies
c/o Robert Norberg
1111 Deer Creek Circle
Dripping Springs, TX. 78620
Personal Information:
Name (First & Last): _______________________________________________
Spouse’s Name: __________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: ____ Zip: ________________
Home Phone: _____________________ Cell: _
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
Do you belong to the Model T Ford Club of America? Yes: _____ No: _____
If yes, what is your membership number?: ________ How many years? ______
Do you belong to the Model T Ford Club of International? Yes: ___ No: ___
Model T Fords You Own:
Car #1 Year: _______________ Body Style: ___________________________
Car #2 Year: _______________ Body Style: ___________________________
Car #3 Year: _______________ Body Style: ___________________________
Photo by Delaney Van on Unsplash