Model t Description

Model t Description

Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company Production era for the Model T: 1908 – 1927. First introduced in 1908, the economical Model T was an immediate success. Over 6 million model T’s were produced. Built tough and simple to facilitate owner do-it-yourself repair Henry Ford increased his employees’ pay to $5 a day so that they could…

Model t Wire Wheels

Model t Wire Wheels

(This article was originally published in the September, 2000 issue of the Spark Coil.) At our last meeting there was a brief discussion about the wire spoke wheels that were available of the 1926 and 27 Fords. These are popular wheels and I think there’s good reason for that. These wheels were quite an engineering…

Ford Model t Chassis

Ford Model t Chassis

Ford in the 1920s was in a state of transition. In 1921, William S. Knudsen resigned as production manager of the Ford Motor Company, reportedly with the pithy comment that Henry Ford found it difficult to work with anyone who was smarter than he was. Ford Image Gallery This 1923 Ford Model T incorporates some…

Model t Gas Mileage

Model t Gas Mileage

President Barack Obama lamented the nation’s dependence on foreign oil when visiting an electric car testing center in California on March 19, 2009. “The problem is that, for decades, we have avoided doing what must be done as a nation to turn challenge into opportunity, ” Obama said. “As a consequence, we import more oil…

Model t Ford Coil

Model t Ford Coil

The “buzz coil” contains of two windings of wires wound around an iron core. The iron core is not solid, but rather a bundle of iron wires, in order to prevent eddy currents. The primary winding consists of 212 turns of heavy-gauge wire. Current flowing through the primary winding turns the iron core into an…

Model t Bucket

Model t Bucket

Tommyy Ivo (top) and Norm Grabowski in his famous Kookie Kar square-off at the National Hot Rod Associations drag racing meet held at the old Santa Ana Drag Strip. The T-Bucket Hot Rod craze started back in the 1950s, and is still alive and screamin’ today. Norm Grabowski is the undisputed Granddaddy of the 4-wheeled…

Cars Before Model t

Cars Before Model t

Models from the years 1903 – 1908 The car that started mass motorization was the American Ford Model T. This car was so tremendously successful that many people tend to forget that the Ford Motor Company of Detroit USA had a history before the Model T. Starting from 1903 with the Model A (shown above)…

When was Ford Model t Invented

When was Ford Model t Invented

The jolly old car you see on these pages isn’t just a quaint antique. It is the machine that changed everything. And it is a centenarian. According to your point of view, the Model T Ford, launched in Detroit in 1908, either marks the moment when the fun started – the point where the convenience…

Who Invented the Model t

Who Invented the Model t?

Our passion for technology keeps us up-to-date on the latest industry developments. So of course we follow brands like Tesla, the electric car company that is not only using technology to innovate automobiles, but also its entire business model. Tesla Motors has been in the news a lot lately. In the past weeks, Tesla opened…

Model t Plant

Model t Plant

Ford produced over 15 million Model T cars, making it the most widely sold car in history. Although most were made in Highland Park Michigan, over 100, 000 Model Ts were produced in Cleveland. The Ford Motor Company established a sales and service office on Euclid Avenue in 1906. In 1911, it moved its Cleveland…

1927 Model t Touring

1927 Model t Touring

In a much simpler time at the turn of the 20th century, America’s first hot rodder, Henry Ford, was busily working on machines in his cramped one-room workshop to retire horse-drawn transportation. He wanted to get the world moving in combustion-motivated vehicles the “average man” could enjoy equally with presidents, kings, and chiefs of industry.…

Pictures of Model t Cars

Pictures of Model t Cars

Auto. Home. Life. Retirement. They all matter, so wrap them all in a blanket of Nationwide protection. We put members first, because we don’t have shareholders. Join the Nation that knows what’s important. Andy Harkins THE HARKINS AGENCY, INC, 240 Shadowline Drive. Boone, NC (828) 265-2639 Not all Nationwide affiliated companies are mutual companies, and…

Model t Body

Model t Body

Oliver J. Beaudette entered the carriage and buggy business in 1891, and by the turn of the century was one of the city’s largest carriage manufacturers. Their factory was located at the intersection of Walnut and Wesson Sts. on the south side of Pontiac and was managed by S.A. Seamens. Beaudette experienced two fires, the…

Model t Crank Start

Model t Crank Start

About two hundred years ago, if you wanted to go for a drive in your own vehicle, you climbed aboard and, with that subtle communication of touch between horse’s mouth and horseman’s hand, you alerted your horse to expect a command and reminded him—”take notice, horse”—that you were in charge. Then you slackened the reins…

Original Ford Model t

Original Ford Model t

Jacques Mattheij made a small, but awesome, mistake. He went on eBay one evening and bid on a bunch of bulk LEGO brick auctions, then went to sleep. Upon waking, he discovered that he was the high bidder on many, and was now the proud owner of two tons of LEGO bricks. (This is about…

Model t Ford Jack

Model t Ford Jack

From time to time, we see jacks advertised as being a A-17080-C2 jack but in fact, it’s a clone probably made by Ajax, the same manufacturer of the C2 jack. There are two differences that, once you know what to look for, distinguishes the clone from the Ford tool kit jack used in 1930 to…

Model t Convertible

Model t Convertible

    Ford Model T roadster Catalog #: 333777, Accession #: 305326 Currently on display From the Smithsonian Collection This 1926 Ford Model T Roadster has serial number 14, 125, 605. Ford Motor Company’ ceased production of the Model T in 1927, and the last one was number 15, 007, 033. Ford’s massive plants in…

1932 Ford Model t

1932 Ford Model t

The thief left behind a green 2001 Ford Ranger that was parked in the front yard.Austin L. Miller @almillerosb DUNNELLON – A piece of American history was stolen from a Florida Highlands home, and sheriff’s deputies are looking to find the person or persons responsible. A vintage 1932 Ford coupe, estimated to have a value…

History of the Model t

History of the Model t

In many respects, the Model T Ford was the result of Henry Ford’s desire to improve on the Model N Ford and to take full advantage of vanadium steel (read more about the Model N and vanadium steel here), which offered the potential of a lighter and stronger car. In January 1907, Henry Ford had…

Model t Ford Museum

Model t Ford Museum

The Model T Museum is nestled in the heart of Richmond, Indiana’s Historic Depot District. Once “the” transportation mecca of the 19th century, it is now a “must-see” destination filled with notable architecture, unique shops, stunning murals, fun and fabulous restaurants, a chocolatier, a microbrewery and much more! Visit to find out more about…